Download Mobile app cracked knee

WebMD archives content after 2 years to ensure our readers can easily find the most timely content. To find the most current information, please enter your topic of interest into our search box. Do your knees make noise? There's probably no reason for concern. Popping and cracking sounds usually aren't signs that something's wrong. As we age, the tissue that covers the bones, called cartilage, can develop uneven areas. When we squat or stand, sounds come from these rougher surfaces gliding across each other. It could also be the tissue that connects bones to other bones, called ligaments, tightening as you move, or the joint lining moving over bones. If you have cracking or popping mobile app cracked knee does cause pain or swelling, though, see a doctor. Skip to main content. Expert Blogs and Interviews. Taking Meds When Pregnant. Too Many Still Ignore Heart Attack Risks. Running: Which Is Better? Gut Bacteria Linked to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome? Video: Breaking the Stigma of PTSD. Knee Pain Health Center. Preparing For Your Appointment. Related to Knee Pain. What Is Your Knee Telling You? By Lisa O'Neill Hill. Curious why your healthy knees might be making noises? It can be a sign of:. The meniscus is a rubbery C-shaped disc that cushions your knee and acts as a shock-absorber. Tears to the meniscus are often caused by sudden twisting or other things you might do while playing sports. In young people, tears usually happen mobile app cracked knee a traumatic event, but as we age the meniscus can tear more easily.

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